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The Wall

These 15 images are one piece, a contemplation of time and space, light and sight, man and nature, taken on a sunny summer morning, to be viewed sequentially. The sequence visualizes a musical drone like a chant  or the fifth string of a banjo or a song with only one chord where everything is the same and everything is different. The Wall is an  homage, rude and rough, slant and scant, vapid and temerarious, executed in minutes instead of years, of Barnett Newman’s Stations of the Cross, as well as a visual representation of the clanging drone of the 17 minutes and  twenty nine seconds of the Velvet Underground’s filthy but magnificent Sister Ray, as well as a cheap but heartfelt appreciation of Bernd and Hilla Becher’s gray and precise documentation of German industrial artifacts, which I had the honor to be shown by Ileana Sonnabend one afternoon in 1980 after she had graciously agreed to review my work.

The Wall